Our customers will not be charged any extra hidden charges. All purchase billing plus shipping charges will be displayed on the checkout page.

We don’t just guarantee good product quality but also the service to deliver the products at your convenience. After an online purchase you will receive your products in 6 to 7 working days (excluding holidays). But usually, we expedite the orders and our average delivery time is less than 6 working days. Unfortunately, we are not open on weekends hence the orders placed on Fridays will be processed on Monday.

For a better shopping experience please try to recheck your shipping address for any mistakes. A product sent to the address that was filled in incorrectly by the customer will not be refunded as per our policy. If possible, please try to use the same address for your shipping and billing needs. This speeds up the verification process and your order will be delivered earlier prior to giving different addresses. If any error occurs at the carrier’s end, we will be on your full support to resolve the issue, BUT we cannot be liable for any loss.

If you do not receive the products within the stated days, please contact us and bring any queries to our attention.

We offer a 5-day from delivery date right of return for damaged or incorrectly shipped items only. Once the refunded products are received in their original form as shipped, we maintain a guaranteed money back policy. Goods purchased at lederhosenforsale.com can be refunded at product price minus 5% processing fee while shipping cost is non-refundable. In case you received Free Shipping in promotional offers, $19 will be deducted as shipping cost from your order value.

Items received damaged can be returned by immediately informing our support team through our contact us form or by directly emailing to [email protected]

Note that the following points should be fulfilled to authorize the refund:

  • Items should not be damaged.
  • 5 days or less since the order got delivered.
  • Customer will bear the shipping and handling cost(s).
  • Clearance sale items are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Initiate a Return

To process your return please send  contact us through the form and select the subject option as “Return Inquiry”. Or you can also send an email directly to [email protected]. Our support team will respond back to you to your provided email address.

Full purchase amount refund will be made with-in 2-4 days of receiving the items. A refund will be made through the same mode of payment as the payment has been received such as Paypal. You can also exchange items in certain cases.

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